Learn more about our pacts:
Global Compact
Launched in 2000 by the then Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, the Global Compact is a call for businesses to align their strategies and operations with 10 universal principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anticorruption and to develop actions that contribute to meeting society’s challenges.
The Equator Principles
The Equator Principles are a set of criteria that serve as a basis for lending by financial institutions. These criteria ensure that the projects financed are developed in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
Brazil Coalition Climate, Forests and Agriculture
The Brazil Coalition Climate, Forests and Agriculture is a multisectoral movement, which brings together concrete proposals for the creation of a low carbon economy. The proposals involve the end of deforestation and illegal logging, the recovery of degraded areas, land-use planning, social protection of communities, and the stimulation of sustainable production of food, forestry inputs, and bioenergy.
Investidores pelo Clima (IPC)
Iniciativa colaborativa de investidores para incentivar mais transparência no reporte de informações sobre gestão de riscos climáticos para empresas brasileiras.
Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials
The PCAF is a global partnership of financial institutions that aims to create a methodology for the assessment and disclosure of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by the financed activities. This approach is the starting point for financial institutions to set science-based targets and align their portfolio with the Paris Climate Agreement.
Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB)
The PRB is an action of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) aiming at providing its signatories with guidance, guidelines, and examples of good practice in relation to key issues in today’s society. The pact is based on six principles that provide the framework for sustainable banking, covering strategic, portfolio and transactional levels, across all business areas.
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
Incentivar mais transparência no reporte de informações sobre gestão de riscos climáticos para empresas em todo o mundo.
Net-Zero Banking Alliance
Aderimos ao “Net-Zero Banking Alliance”, com o desafio de chegar ao zero líquido em relação as emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) até 2050 (escopos 1,2 e 3, incluindo emissões financiadas de clientes).
Practioners Group
Grupo que compartilha melhores práticas de prevenção ao desmatamento entre investidores.
Brazilian Green Finance Initiative
The Brazilian Green Finance Initiative began with the mission of developing and promoting mechanisms through market and public policies in order to build a robust portfolio of green and sustainable investments opportunities in Brazil. This Initiative is composed of top representatives from pension funds, public and private banks, insurance companies and local market institutions, who periodically meet to discuss key issues related to the Brazilian market.
LGBTI+ Companies and Rights Forum
Companies and Rights Forum, Itaú joins the efforts to promote LGBTI Rights, in line with the 10 commitments established by the movement and that guide business practices in relation to the topic
Standards of Conduct for Companies with LGBTI+ People
Five standards of conduct to support the business community in facing discrimination against LGBTI people
Business Coalition for Racial and Gender Equity
In light of the framework of Brazilian social inequalities, we present our commitment and social responsibility on the subject.
Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs)
The term proposed by UN Women and the Global Compact brings important guidelines that strengthen and guide our actions to promote equity of opportunity
Business Compact for Integrity and Against Corruption
We are determined to propagate good business ethics practices that can eradicate corruption from strategies to obtain economic results, contributing to involve an increasing number of companies and civil organizations in such initiatives.
Business Initiative for Racial Equality
A movement made up of businesses and institutions committed to promoting racial inclusion and overcoming racism, divided into 10 practical commitments.
Business Charter for Human Rights and the Promotion of Decent Work
We will strive to promote dignified work, defined by the International Labor Organization (ILO) as “work that is productive and delivers a fair income, conducted in freedom, equity, and security conditions, without any form of discrimination, and capable of ensuring a life of dignity for all people who make a living from their work."
Investors Policy Dialogue on Deforestation (IPDD)
Through a collaborative initiative of investors, a dialog is promoted with public agencies and sector associations about the subject of deforestation.
Business Contribution to Promoting a Green and Inclusive Economy (RIO+20)
We made ten commitments to bring innovative solutions that represent real impacts on efficiency in the use of natural resources, reduction of carbon emissions and promotion of human rights and social inclusion.
Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)
The Principles for Sustainable Insurance defined by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) consist of a global action plan to develop and expand risk management and innovative insurance solutions that consider long-term sustainable development.
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
The PRI works together with its international network of signatories to put into practice the six Principles for Responsible Investment. The goal of the Principles is to understand the implications of investment on environmental, social and governance issues, and to support signatories in integrating these issues with their investment and asset ownership decisions.