ESG Strategy

We aim to promote positive transformation, putting our clients and their needs in the center of our decisions and seeking to constantly foster the generation of business that promotes sustainable and inclusive development.

The new ESG strategy

arises from a scenario where prior commitments and agendas have reached a significant maturity level, strengthening the integration and joint responsibility of the areas in connection with ESG and sustainability. We set out new strategic goals, while continuing to monitor and measure on a cross-cutting basis what has already been incorporated into our business. 

Our strategy is based on three pillars that guide our actions and drive our transformation.

Learn more about our ESG strategy:

Sustainable Finance

The sustainable finance pillar covers the segments in which we operate, and is intended to promote the integration of ESG topics into business based on studies, advocacy and development of new products, services and business opportunities. When we finance our clients’ projects, we allocate funds to promote positive impacts on society. 

We plan to mobilize R$1 trillion in sustainable finance by 2030.

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Climate Transition

We aim for resilient operations and delivery of products and services that support clients in transition to a low-carbon economy, with a focus on climate adaptation and mitigation.

In line with the NZBA (Net Zero Banking Alliance) guidelines, we are committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050, covering scopes 1, 2 and 3.

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Diversity and Development

We are a Bank built for the future when we help people set their paths in motion to evolve and build positive stories. This pillar focuses our integrated and inclusive action across the entire chain: our care for employees, client centricity and responsible action with suppliers. We are committed to the financial inclusion of very small, small and middle-market entrepreneurs by focusing on employability, productive inclusion, income generation and, especially, on women’s entrepreneurship. 

We promote diversity, inclusion and social and financial development, aiming at a more inclusive and prosperous country.

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Governance and Conduct

In Itaú, governance, ethics and integrity are the basis of everything we do, and an inseparable part of our culture. This has led us to establish ESG practices based on a management model integrated with standards, processes, guidelines, controls and structures that include real changes, reconciling the interests of stockholders and other stakeholders, in accordance with the best market practices.

This is the pillar that supports our ESG culture and strategy.

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