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Itaú Unibanco joins the 2025 portfolio of one of the world’s most important corporate sustainability indices. 


January 2025 – Itaú Unibanco, Latin America’s largest private bank, has been selected for the 2025 portfolio of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the 25th consecutive year, demonstrating the consistency of its ESG strategy. 

The DJSI World, indexed to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), is a benchmark for investors. It was created in 1999, and its questionnaire is periodically updated to reflect changes in market demands on topics linked to economic, governance, environmental, climate and social issues. At the end of the evaluation, it provides specific feedback on points for improvement in management and transparency, setting the tone for actions that companies should prioritize. 

The portfolio is made up of 321 leading global sustainability companies. These companies are representative of 25 economic sectors in 34 countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Among them, only 11 are Brazilian and 25 are from the banking sector. Itaú Unibanco is the only Latin American bank to have been an uninterrupted part of this important sustainability index since its creation. 

In addition to being included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World), Itaú Unibanco has also been a member of the Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (Corporate Sustainability Index) of B3 (the Brazilian stock market index) since 2005, the Índice de Diversidade (B3 Diversity Index), the Índice Carbono Eficiente (B3 Carbon Efficient Index), and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), as well as participating in ESG rating agencies such as MSCI, Sustainalytics, and Vigeo Eiris. 

Our participation in these indices reflects Itaú Unibanco’s long-term commitment to sustainability, through the combination of our tradition in this field and our assiduous work to integrate ESG trends into our businesses.  
