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Inteligência Itaú (Itaú Intelligence): bank launches new experience for clients with generative AI


As the first solutions focused on transactional and financial management needs, Pix on WhatsApp and Minhas Vantagens will interact with clients by voice or text  


São Paulo, November 22, 2024 – Itaú Unibanco has just launched its new generative AI (artificial intelligence) experience, with the aim of making client journeys even simpler, more fluid and hyper-personalized. Inteligência Itaú uses the most advanced technologies to offer solutions that are part of clients’ lives, facilitating their transfers and the management of their finances. As the first transactional use case, Pix (the Central Bank of Brazil’s instant payment system) on WhatsApp makes the payment experience faster and even more fluid, without the need to open the Superapp. In financial management, the first innovation is the possibility for clients to interact with Inteligência Itaú about the Minhas Vantagens (My Advantages) program to expand their benefits.  


Inteligência Itaú is a milestone in the way Itaú will deliver new solutions to its clients and how those costumers relate to the bank. Inteligência Itaú will be behind transactional solutions, allowing clients to make payments or transfers more conveniently. It will also be conversational, increasing the depth of contextualized conversations that support clients in understanding products, and becoming an ally in financial management. And it will be predictive, by observing clients’ financial habits and commitments, and anticipating these with immediate reminders or solutions that can be resolved with a tap. This new solution confirms Itaú’s purpose of serving its clients in a hyper-personalized way, focusing on their reality, and collaborating so that they have a simpler and healthier relationship with their finances, gaining more time and peace of mind in their daily lives.  


“Technology is increasingly inserted in people’s lives, and we have been working to offer solutions that simplify their lives and are aligned with their needs. We have worked intensively with generative AI in recent years, in a journey that involved deep work on responsible AI, with a keen eye for mitigating biases and hallucinations to ensure contextual and responsible interaction. Now, we have reached a point of differentiation that ensures a fully adequate experience for clients. With this, we can launch artificial intelligence that offers more fluid journeys, within a platform that has all the mechanisms to ensure the security and responsible use of your data.” says Ricardo Guerra, CIO of Itaú Unibanco.


Pix on WhatsApp is one of the first solutions connected to Inteligência Itaú and uses generative AI to interact with clients through WhatsApp and make day-to-day transfers in an automated and instant way. Clients can send messages to Itaú’s official channel, make transactions of up to R$200 per day via Pix and the tool will automatically interpret text and audio messages, with the possibility of dividing expenses and generating proof of the transaction in seconds. Soon, it will also be possible to interpret messages in image format.  

The new payment functionality will allow clients to conduct one-off transactions with the same ease with which they send a message, providing a conversational and intuitive journey, with the security of Itaú. In addition, like other payment solutions offered by the bank, such as Pix by Contact, the functionality is started and completed in the environment where the client is already. In this case, just by interacting with Inteligência Itaú, which will be in the client’s WhatsApp contacts, without the need to open the Superapp.  

The bank will also launch an innovation in terms of interaction with the Minhas Vantagens program. Clients will be able to manage their benefits with the help of Inteligência Itaú directly through the Superapp to learn more about its advantages. The client just needs to click on the Inteligência Itaú button and explore information such as the recommended benefits for their profile that have not been used yet and how to achieve higher levels to have access to new advantages in the Itaú rewards program.  

